How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

I am often asked, “How do I eat healthy while traveling?” Many say it’s too hard to eat healthy while traveling and think it’s better to ditch the healthy eating plan.
After traveling overseas, attending many all-day conferences in hotels, long road trips, and the 5-6 hour commutes one to two times a month, there have been many opportunities to come up with creative strategies. The key is planning! So here are a few tips to enjoy your trip, stay healthy, and have abundant energy for the journey.
I think it’s important to know your desired outcome before you plan. So therefore, instead of seeing eating while traveling as a challenge, think of it as “I want to eat healthy and I want to enjoy my time." When planning a road trip, a 3-4 day conference, or traveling overseas, scoping out the restaurants nearby, grocery stores, and health food stores to get a general idea of what is available during your travels is a must.
One of the best strategies that helped while on a 12-hour flight was bringing my own food in a small, insulated, lunch bag. Prepared chicken breast, canned salmon, a handful of nuts, veggies, fruit, or jerky sticks are some great snacks to take on the plane. When driving for hours my mind tends to think, “I am not as active so I don’t need as much food.” This is a great time to fast, take vegetable juices, protein shakes, fruit, and vegetable snacks. A refrigerator stocked with pre-planned meals for longer road trips makes it easier. Preparing meals and freezing them ahead of time also makes it easier to take on road trips too.
Look for a hotel with a kitchenette, rent an apartment or Airbnb, or stay with family and friends where you can prepare salads, smoothies, and meals that are healthy and delicious. One of my favorite items to bring is a mini blender for green drinks and raw soups.
When traveling overseas eat what the locals eat. Most countries outside of the U.S. , have food that has not been genetically modified and has been raised sustainably. Choosing vegetables and fruit in season with wild caught fish, grass fed beef, and free range chickens are always good options.
Ask the restaurant to modify the dishes for you as most are willing to serve their customers with excellent service.
When it comes to dessert, have a couple of bites and put your fork or spoon down and enjoy the texture and newness of the food instead of depriving yourself.
Make sure you get plenty of movement even if you can’t get in your gym workout, get plenty of sleep, and most importantly, have fun!!!